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Class of 2023

Advice for High School Freshmen

1. Don't be late to class.


Tardiness is a sign of disrespect to teachers. If being late is unavoidable, always approach the teacher after class, apologize and offer a brief, honest explanation.


2. Be interested in others and remember their names.


A great way to get to know new classmates and gain the reputation as a friendly person is by being interested in others and asking them questions about themselves rather than just talking about yourself. Making an effort to remember the names of your classmates can go a long way as well. 


3. If a word is unfamiliar to you, look it up. 


Having a broad a vocabulary will not only help you on standardized tests and college admissions exams, but it will also allow you to express yourself better.


4. Get involved in extracurricular activities.


Clubs and sports are a great way to meet new friends who have similar interests, as well as to beef up your college applications. 


5. Be kind to others. 


You don’t build yourself up by knocking others down. You can’t be admired if you’re disliked or feared.


6. Avoid drugs and alcohol.


Substance abuse has derailed the lives of many promising students. Not to mention your brain and body are still developing and they may not develop properly with the use of drugs and/or alcohol.


7. Ask for advice.


Your counselor and parents can and want to help you through just about any academic or personal problem you'll encounter. Ask them questions. Trust their answers. They're on your side.


8. Develop positive relationships with school staff.


Your teachers and counselor (and even the principals) can be great references for you for college or future jobs. It is important that they see you as respectful and hardworking and that they get to know you so that they can give you the best reference possible. 



Your Freshman Schedule

You should currently be enrolled in English 1, Algebra 1 (or beyond), Agriscience (or beyond), Wellness, and an RTI class (5th period). Most freshman will also be enrolled in a Fine Art and the introductory class in their Program of Study. Some freshmen may be enrolled in a Spanish 1 course. If you feel you are missing a required course, speak with your counselor immediately.  


Your counselor can help!

What you say in here stays

in here...


  • You want to harm yourself.

  • You want to harm someone else

  • Someone is hurting you.

  • You give permission to tell another trusting adult.

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